1927 to 1945
1950 to 1970
1971 to 1990
1993 to 1997
1998 to 2005
2005 to 2018

The 'FED' Company is one of the leading enterprises in Ukraine, whose specialization is the development, production, maintenance and repair of aerospace and general engineering units. The company's units are successfully used on aircrafts and helicopters of Ukrainian and foreign origin.
The 'FED' company possesses a modern metal processing equipment fleet which makes it possible for the company to manufacture products complying with the highest world standards and to successfuly compete on the international aviation market.
The 'FED' company is one of the leading exporters of aerospace machine-building products. More than 60% the 'FED' company products are dedicated to exporting. The company products are exported to European Union countries, China, South Korea, India, UAE. The company is engaged in cooperation with the USA, Canada, Brazil to implement joint aircraft industry projects.
The 'FED' company is a patent holder of a number of innovative machine building technologies used in aerospace industry. Many countries of the world have already implemented the 'FED' company's innovative solutions in civil, transport aviation, helicopter construction, and space vehicles.
In 2016 the 'FED' company ('FED', JSC) successfully completed certification audit procedure and received certificates of conformity with quality management system requirements for international standards (AS/EN 9100:2009 No.6186490-Rev1) for design, development, serial production and repair of aerospace industry products. The 'FED' company is the only Ukrainian aerospace enterprise possessing this certificate.
The 'FED' company was awarded the Ukraine's State premium for scientific and technological achievements, construction and introduction into operation aircrafts of An-148-100/An-158 family.