1950 - 1970

During the post-war period, the plant contined to manufacture equipment for aviation industry, and soon afterwards, it started to produce equipment for space industry and other machine building branches.

Development and serial production of 'NP-26M' piston pump, 'GM-287' hydromotor, 'NP-27' unit, 'NS-45' pump station for 'Tu-134' airplane, units 'ADT-24', 'ND-24', VS-1A' for aircrafts An-24, An-26.

At the same time, production of 'FED' series cameras was going on. Famous compact cameras of 'FED-5' series, automatic cameras 'FED-Micron', 'FED-Micron-2', 'FED-35', 'FED-50', 'FED-Stereo' stereo cameras and other photo accessories were designed and serially manufactured.